Unfinished Prisoners/Slaves

The first time I saw Michelangelo's “Unfinished Slaves” series, I was blown away.

David, in all his glory (and nothing else!) reigned over the main room. Streams of tourists hurried past the partially carved blocks of marble in the corridor to reach the feature attraction. 

But the slaves were more fascinating to me. David was already realized, while these figures struggled to be free figuratively and literally.

When you see these carvings up close it is stunningly obvious that the statue *exists* already inside the block. Michelangelo was simply (not so simply) carving away anything that blocked us from seeing what he saw.

How does this relate to you and creating?

Your creative self is there, inside you, waiting for you to cut away the unnecessary *stuff* and free it. 

Stuff like thoughts that your work won’t be good enough. That others will laugh. That you have too many necessary things to do - which is ironic because what is necessary is for you to create.

Maybe you are filling your days with saying yes, with people who don’t give back, with stories on a screen about people living a life that is NOT yours.

Or you don’t have room to create because your space is taken up by things that weigh you down, or people who don’t share space well, or possibly an insane amount of Legos. 😬

It’s necessary for you, as a living human being, to create.

Release the thoughts, the people, the things that are covering up your creative being.

Go. Create. Do. Make. Discover. <3

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